I started this blog when I first went to Brazil. I was going to do my degree thesis project there and I wanted to tell others about my story, especially my loved ones at home, back in Sweden. I mostly wrote about my life and experiences in Brazil, but sometimes I also wrote about Sweden.
I went to Brazil the first time in the middle of August 2009 and I stayed there during six months. In January 2011 the blog got a new life because of my return to Brazil, but this time to the third biggest city in Brazil, Salvador! Me and my brother Emil stayed in a favela (ghetto) there during six months with my fiancé, learnt how to surf and studied Portuguese and project leading right at the beach! In June 2011 my fiancé got his Swedish visa so we returned to Sweden and moved to Gothenburg.
In November 2011 the blog got a new make-up to fit the content better :) It was also time to change the name. The new name is Life of Tiger so now I can finally start to write again!
In December I decided that the blog should have bought a Swedish and an English version, to go to the Swedish version, click here.