23 maj 2012

Woken up from winter coma! Now CRETE!

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Now I've finally woken up from my winter coma! I apologize for that! I hope my dear readers will come back! I have been working a lot, too much, so I have not managed more than to lie on the couch when I come home since February.

To compensate for all overtime hours and late nights at my job, I've booked a well deserved trip to Greece! More specifically to Crete!! *Excited* I will actually go next week already!

I wasn't satisfied with only 1 week in Crete in the summer so we have also booked 8 days in Portugal and 10 days in Italy in August! We will go directly from Portugal to Italy, so it will be almost "around Europe" this summer hehe!

I have also taken time off, 4 weeks to go to Brazil in December - January! Wonderful!!

23 jan. 2012

Egg and farofa!!! Yummy!!

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It is really delicious! I could never imagine that! Farofa is a kind of flour made from Manioc (a kind of root vegetable). Brazilians like to use it to make the food more dry. They're not so fond of food with a lot of sauce. If it is a lot of sauce, they will add some flour so that the food get really dry!

I've never been a big fan of farofa, but eggs and farofa is actually really good! By the way, farofan is imported from Brazil!

18 jan. 2012

Dress Code: Brazil

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Got the tip of the grandmother that there is a program called Klädkod (Dress Code) that was shown on national television last Thursday and they devoted a whole program about Brazil! Soo cool!!!

The program covers everything from the minimal bikinis to the big African-inspired clothes that are used in Salvador! Really interesting program! It is available on SVT Play until the 11 of February! Watch it!! It's only 30 minutes!! (The program is in Swedish and Portuguese) To see the video, click here!

4 dec. 2011

Guys, use condoms - see the best commercial - EVER!

The best commercial for condoms I ever seen! It's even so good that you feel sorry for the dick when he's walking all sad and all the pussies run away to escape from him!! Haha!!

By the way, the commercial is Brazilian!

25 maj 2011

Comer a vontade - Eat as much as you want

Brazil has a lot of restaurant which offer something that is lika a buffé, but you sit at your table and the waiter bring the food for your table. The best with this kind of restaurants is that you can eat as much as you want!!! Two days ago, me and Jair went to one of this restaurants which served 8 different cooked shrimps! The food was amazing!! 

Unfortunately for me I think I got food-poisoned... The last night my stomach started to hurt, but it can be something I ate yesterday too, probably more likely... :(

22 maj 2011

Don't miss!

When you are in Bahia there are some dishes that you simply can’t miss out on! In Bahia there are some dishes that only do exist in Bahia. The food have African influence from the times when Africans where slaves for the Portuguese here in Brazil. One of these dishes is Moqueca!

I strongly recommend Moqueca de Camarão which is Moqueca made with shrimps, coconut milk, azeite de dênde (which is some kind of red oil which comes from a palm tree) and pimenta (which is chili in portuguese). Moqueca can also be made with fish instead, then it’s called Moqueca de Peixe. MMmmmm… it’s soooo good!

21 maj 2011

YES! Bloco Carnival 2011

We were only planning to do two things during the carnival so weren’t really planning to go to Bloco Yes! Anyway we decided to go but Emil didn’t have more money for buying a T-shirt so all our friends cut of a piece from their T-shirt to make one for Emil. Emil didn’t believe that it was going to work but Leo convinced him! A woman in a store put the T-shirt together, but you could see that it was fake long way… Anyway Emil managed to stay inside without get thrown out for the whole time and he only paid R$10 which is 40 kr or 4 euro for a T-shirt that we paid R$250 (1000 kr or 100 euro) awesome!!! The funniest was that after the bloco finished and we were heading back to the bar someone stole Emil’s totally fake T-shirt! How can that happen!?!
Emil and Jair
Emil, jag and Jair

Me and my littlebrother (who is sooo big now)
Jair and me
Norweigan girls

Leo and Emil
Leo is Brazilian but more white than Emil!!!

Jair, me and Thomas

Thomas and Jair

 Me and the two blonde Swedish police girls!

16 apr. 2011


Camarote Skol 2011

Today I was thinking of finally write about the carnival! I really wanted to do it before but I haven’t felt like I was ready to talk about the carnival because of what happened. But know I feel better. I had really fun during the carnival, the four days that I had the time to experience.

Camarote Skol was by far the best! We had open bar, free make-up, free decorating of the clothes for girls, free beer-glass, free hand-cuffs ;) they handed out a lot of other things to put in your hair also. It was awesome and so much fun! I wished we could do that every day!

We went with Jair’s awesome Italian friends Roberto Faga, Elso di Marco, Massimiliano and his girl! We had so much fun!!!!

Massimiliano and his girl

Jair and me

One thing happened there that was a little bit scary but it’s normal if you’re me… I faint sometimes and I’m actually happy that Jair got to see that because now he knows that I’m not dyeing or something like that if it happens again he will know that there is no problem. I felt a little bit funny after one sip of my glass, like I couldn’t breathe probably so I asked Jair to stay one second with me before leaving with the others. Then it happened I was hugging Jair and just passed out and started to shake a little bit (according to the people who witness the whole thing). Just a short while after I felt someone holding my back, like in a dream and I woke up. I saw that Jair was still standing up with me hugging me and there were a lot of people around us. A guard was there and I was sure that I was going to tell me to go home, but he was just there to check on me and I felt fine, I felt like it never happened. Everyone told me, to drink water, but I didn’t faint because I was thirsty of course not haha! And I felt better than ever, like I just had a powernap! No more dizzy nothing! So we continued the party and stayed until the place closed at 5 am. 

Jair's wonderful Italian friends that we are planning to visit in august this year!

Jair and Roberto

Little brother Emil with a sixth-sense, at the same second as I fainted he walked up the stairs and found Jair holding me - magic connection

Elso, Jair and Roberto - belengooooo


Bloco passing-by, but there was actually more find to be in the camarote than in the bloco! There is much more things to do in the Camarote and much more safer!

My very own free stylist!

Jair and Roberto

Bloco truck passing by, you can see the little bar there cool!!

Mmm... I love beeer!

Travel tips!

A few Brazilians speak English so make sure to learn simple phrases as “Quanto custa?which means How much?”  and how to count in Portuguese that’s always useful when you want to buy something. But be aware that people might try to trick you. 3 três, 6 seis and 10 dez  is pronounced like trays, saysand days so the sound is very similar. The salesmen on the beach may tell you that the price is seis and you hand him dez because you don’t have any change, but he just walks calmly away instead of giving you the change back. When you tell him that the price was seis, he just shakes his head and tells you dez! This happened to me, but I stood up for myself so I got my money back! NOBODY trick me!

7 apr. 2011

Jairs new surfboard!

Jairs new surfboard, half Swedish flag and half Brazilian flag, so coooool!

Me with our surfboards, the most beautiful in Barra!

I love Jair's new board, in actually felt flattered that he wanted to make half Swedish flag. Now we just have to find a nice place to surf at in Sweden because the boards are coming with us!

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