This is THE subject on internet in Europe right now, the lack of butter in Norway! How did they succeeded with this?!?!
I think this kind of comical actually! The norweigan government has a monopol on dairy products in Norway.
It seems like the Norwegians miscalculated how much butter that people will need at Christmas and blames partly people for being more healthy and not buying too much butter during the year and partly the lack of butter at the farmers for quiting with dairy products due to the low profit. Wages in Norway is too good expect for farmers, so why be a farmer!?!
The whole thing gets worse ... The Norwegians are coming to Sweden to buy butter. The problem is that it is illegal to bring a great amount of cash out from Norway. A Norwegian couple who traveled to Sweden to buy the butter got caught in the Norwegian customs.
Norway has also sky-high tariffs on everything that they expect that they can produce themselves in their own country. The duty on imported butter is 25.19 NOK! This really encourage the blac market! A common packet of Swedish butter can now be sold for up to 1000 Euro at the black market!
A Russian man tried, the other day, to smuggle 90 kg of butter with a value of SEK 200 000 (20 000 Euro) on the black market, but got caught in the Norwegian customs for smuggling! Smuggling of butter! Can you imagine anything so ridiculous in your criminal records?! Butter Smuggler!
Norway has now lowered its tariff of butter to 4 NOK per kg, but Sweden, Denmark and Finland still have no interest in exporting butter to Norway. About a month or so the butter duty will be increased again! So it all ended up with Norway importing butter from France and Belgium instead! Can you imagine what problems they have?!?!?!?
In the middle of this mess a Norwegian man, Johnny, find 30 kilograms of butter at the shore which probably has been under water for 67 years! Does this founding help the Norwegians? Naaah, apparently it smelled very bad and when TV2s reporter tastes the butter, he is nearly throwing up! But the consistency was good anyway!
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